Saturday, September 6, 2008

Crisis of Capitalism By Michael Albert

Talk Delivered to Venezuela Conference on Crisis of Capitalism
September 05, 2008

My country, the U.S. is the world's leader in violent crime per capita.
It leads in the gap between richest and poorest.
It leads in means of communication, but also in levels of ignorance and deceit.
It leads in the manufacture, dissemination, and use of weapons of mass destruction, and of weapons generally...
My country leads as well in interventions abroad, in violent coercion, in arrogant export of commercial and often vapid culture, and of course in virtually unlimited hypocrisy.
Thecrisis of capitalism is capitalism itself.
The crisis is not just when capitalism is upset, rickety, having problems.
The crisis is capitalism's persistent perpetual ugliness per se. It is the system per se, even at its very best.

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